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    来源:HR369 时间:2015-01-29
    核心提示:根据线上职业社区Glassdoor的调研, Facebook的面试是全球最难面试之一。其中一个主要原因就是:他们的问题都很难答。为了弄清这
     根据线上职业社区Glassdoor的调研, Facebook的面试是全球最难面试之一。其中一个主要原因就是:他们的问题都很难答。
    “How many birthday posts occur on Facebook on a given day?”
    “You can roll a dice three times. You will be given $X where X is the highest roll you get. You can choose to stop rolling at any time (e.g., if you roll a 6 on the first roll, you can stop). What is your expected payout?”
    “How much money is spent on the internet?”
    “How would you sell Facebook to clients? What are the benefits of advertising over Facebook, as you see it.”
    “Tell me your plan of action if you saw that photo uploads suddenly dropped by 50%.”
    “Two points are randomly placed on a line of length 1. What is the probability that the three segments created form a triangle?”

    “Analyze the iPhone 'folder' mechanism for grouping apps and suggest ways it could be improved.”

    “How would you redesign the features/functionality of a television remote control?”
    “Estimate the number of airports in the US.”
    “Given a binary tree, write code to print the tree out line by line.”
    “How would you find out the number of cars passing through a busy bridge?”
    “Walk me through how you would design an app.”
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