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    来源:最佳东方 时间:2015-02-28
    核心提示:  毕业在即,很多同学都会考虑进外企,那么写一份夺人眼球的英文简历就必不可缺了。那么写简历时有什么基本要求,怎么样才能抓
      1. What is a resume anyway? 什么是简历?
      Remember: a resume is a self-promotional document that presents you in the best possible light, for the purpose of getting invited to a job interview. It's not an official personnel document. It's not a job application. It's not a "career obituary"! And it's not a confessional.
      2.What should the resume content be about? 应该在简历上写些什么?
      It's not just about past jobs! It's about YOU, and how you performed and what you accomplished in those past jobs--especially those accomplishments that are most relevant to the work you want to do next. A good resume predicts how you might perform in that desired future job.
      3.What's the fastest way to improve a resume? 完善简历的捷径是什么?
      Remove everything that starts with "responsibilities included" and replace it with on-the-job accomplishments. (See Tip 11 for one way to write them.)
      4.What is the most common resume mistake made by job hunters? 写简历时最常见的错误是什么?
      Leaving out their Job Objective! If you don't show a sense of direction, employers won't be interested. Having a clearly stated goal doesn't have to confine you if it's stated well.
      5.What's the first step in writing a resume? 写简历的第一步是什么?
      Decide on a job target (or "job objective") that can be stated in about 5 or 6 words. Anything beyond that is probably "fluff" and indicates a lack of clarity and direction.
      6.How do you decide whether to use a Chronological resume or a Functional one? 按时间顺序写简历好还是按技能或能力写简历?
      The Chronological format is widely preferred by employers, and works well if you're staying in the same field (especially if you've been upwardly-mobile). Only use a Functional format if you're changing fields, and you're sure a skills-oriented format would show off your transferable skills to better advantage; and be sure to include a clear chronological work history!
      7.What if you don't have any experience in the kind of work you want to do? 要是在你想要从事的领域没有任何经验怎么办?
      Get some! Find a place that will let you do some volunteer work right away. You only need a brief, concentrated period of volunteer training (for example, 1 day a week for a month) to have at least SOME experience to put on your resume. Also, look at some of the volunteer work you've done in the past and see if any of THAT helps document some skills you'll need for your new job.
      8.What if you have several different job objectives you‘re working on at the same time? Or you haven‘t narrowed it down yet to just one job target? 如果你同时有好几个职业目标怎么办?或者你一时之间无法做出选择怎么办?
      Then write a different resume for each different job target. A targeted resume is MUCH, much stronger than a generic resume.
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